Design Company news South Africa

3D medical images from Great Stock!

Great Stock's new MedicalRF collection of Royalty Free images uses cutting-edge technology to get you superb images that would be impossible to achieve using conventional photography.

This leading collection offers both realistic and stylised visual treatments of medical and related themes, and is ideal for illustrating concepts and perfect anatomical details - particularly for the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Click here to explore the full range of images on MedicalRF images are available as themed CD's or as individual images.

For more information call Ina Britz on tel. (011) 880 7826, fax (011) 788 9996 or E-Mail: .

Images, Motion, Services sums up our complementary raft of services - aimed primarily at professionals in the fields of advertising, design, publishing, production and broadcasting. Our expertise and hands-on experience in these fields have been the foundation of our enterprise for more than two decades.
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