News South Africa

Government encourages South Africans to vote

Government has reiterated its call to all South Africans to participate in the 2014 elections on Wednesday, 7 May.
(Image: Wikimedia Commons)
(Image: Wikimedia Commons)

"In the spirit of the year-long celebration of 20 Years of Freedom, government joins the nation in anticipating a peaceful day of voting countrywide.

"To help ensure this happens, Ministers in the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster have visited various parts of the country in the last two weeks to determine the state of readiness of the various security structures on the ground," said Acting Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) CEO Phumla Williams today.

During these visits, ministers interacted with the security structures on the ground, met with community leaders and interacted directly with communities. They have assured the nation that voting will take place in a safe environment.

Public holidays

Wednesday has been declared a public holiday to allow citizens to cast their votes at their respective polling stations.

Williams urged businesses that open on holidays to allow their employees to exercise their democratic to vote.

All voting stations will be open from 7am to 9pm.

Source: is a South African government news service, published by the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS). (formerly BuaNews) was established to provide quick and easy access to articles and feature stories aimed at keeping the public informed about the implementation of government mandates.

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