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Innovation Inside the Box

In a past life, I worked as a researcher inside a team of specialist innovators for a large corporation. I attended dozens of innovation sessions, most of which were of the old-fashioned brainstorms where 'no idea is stupid' and where we should think 'out of the box'. What I realised after a while, was that we tended to come up with the same ideas over and over again.

Since then, advances in neuroscience have provided some useful insight as to why this might happen and what we can do to come up with better ideas.

Innovation Inside the Box

There are a few reasons why trying to 'think out of the box' usually ends in dismal failure. Some key ones are:

  • Our conscious minds are really bad at making new connections
  • There usually aren't enough new connections in the room

  • We are problem solving animals who are resistant to change

The problem of the conscious mind

The part of the brain that deals with conscious thought is actually very small, and the strongest neural connections we have short-cut the thinking process to come up with quick solutions. So, when we are tasked with 15 minutes to come up with ideas (on post-its, of course!) we are only scratching the surface of what our minds hold. The weaker, less obvious connections from which great innovation often comes don't make it to the party.

No diversity, no new thoughts

Organisers of innovation sessions often try to bring diversity into the group by inviting people from a range of different functions (R&D, Marketing etc.) However, these functions are often related and from the same company - so they bring similar views of the company and the world. In addition, participants are likely to lead relatively privileged lifestyles. The pool of neural connections is limited - and often it's different to the market you are trying to innovate for.

Problem solving and resistance to change

Once we have found a solution that works, our brains find it less stressful to maintain the status quo. The neural pathways we have found to solve a particular problem strengthen as we repeat the solution each time we encounter the problem. There are two consequences of this:

  • We don't engage in creative thought unless we have a new problem to solve. Asking people to brainstorm new ideas for on old problem will not yield great innovation.
  • The strongest neural connections triumph and the 'new ideas' we come up with are simply variations of what we already have.

So, how do we counteract these effects to come up with great innovation? Simply put, we need to create a 'box' in which to work.

  • Define the problem well
  • Provide lateral stimulus

  • Tap into the unconscious mind

Defining the problem

While it seems counterintuitive, coming up with something unique requires giving people a carefully designed problem and boundaries to work within. The benefit of creating the right 'box' is that you force people to focus intensively on a new problem and the solution is likely to work for your company.

A good start is to review your category and identify 'frustrations' or unmet needs that consumers have. Ethnography is a great source of this kind of insight, since consumers are often unable to articulate what frustrates them. Observing them performing tasks or going about their lives can uncover surprising results. Past research and social media monitoring can also throw up interesting results. Whatever insight you use to define the problem, this process needs to happen before any ideation process can begin.

The 'box' also needs to be defined from a company point of view. Where are the no-go areas? Is there a limit to what the innovation can cost? etc. This will determine how far from the core of the business the ideas can be, as well as any other important parameters. There is no point coming up with ideas that the company will never implement or that do not serve the right strategy.

Providing lateral stimulus

Increase the number of neural connections in the group by immersing them in lateral environments. One of the most successful sessions I was involved in was for toilet cleaners. Before ideating, we went to talk to people like dentists, nursery school teachers and consumers from different walks of life. Some of the best ideas could be traced back to our interview with a dentist about cleaning teeth (which are enamel just like a toilet bowl!).

Alternatively, one could involve people from different backgrounds in the ideation process itself. If you choose this route, then effort needs to be made to ensure participants feel comfortable enough to share ideas and have been informed of the constraints within which your company operates.

Tapping into the unconscious mind

Once you have the box, and have created more neural connections to work with, the critical next step is to ensure the weak connections (rather than the stronger habitual connections) can be made.

Research from Carnegie Mellon University in the US proved that when three sets of people were given the task of choosing an imaginary car based on multiple needs, the group who were worst at optimising their choice were those who were forced to choose immediately. The second group were given more time, but didn't make great choices either. The third group were briefed, then given a distracter task for a few minutes after which they were asked to make a choice. This last group did significantly better.

FMRI scans of the participants revealed that the part of the brain that was activated when they were briefed on the task continued to be active while they worked on the distracter task. Those who showed the most of this 'unconscious neural reactivation' were most likely to make the best choices.

This has huge implications for ideation. Firstly, try not to be so serious about it. Don't lock people in a boardroom for hours. Create moments of distraction, go and chat to people, get some fresh air and you might be surprised by what comes out!

For more information, please contact Yellowwood on +27 (0)11 268 5211, email az.oc.doowy@ofni or visit our

18 Jun 2013 09:20


About the author

Honoré Gasa is Consumer Insights Director and General Manager of Yellowwood Future Architects, Cape Town.


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