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Lyceum Correspondence College Press Office
Lyceum offers all the benefits of distance learning. You can continue to earn while you learn via correspondence, and you can plan your studies according to your schedule.
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10 tips to help you begin your start-up business
Getting your start-up business off the ground, requires careful thought and planning. One of the greatest things that you can do is to get going on an action plan. Here's how. 29 May 2018 Read more

Superior digital public relations trends to advance your brand
With the advancement in public relations tactics, a company can reach tremendous milestones. Learn more about what these PR trends are. 8 May 2018 Read more

10 tips to help you begin your startup business
Getting your startup business off the ground requires careful thought and planning. One of the greatest things that you can do is to get going on an action plan. Here's how. 8 May 2018 Read more

Muddy hands spark a passion for teaching Grade R
“Lyceum taught me how to plan properly; working full time and studying isn't for everyone. It really takes hard work and dedication, but it's the best feeling in the world when you look on the student portal and see you passed with a distinction.” 14 Sep 2017 Read more

One on one with successful Lyceum graduate
As part of our centenary celebrations, we explore the exciting journey of our alumni and the successful paths they have embarked on and journeyed towards. These individuals have taken what they learnt and put it into practice in their current careers. Lyceum is proud to acknowledge these graduates and takes pride in helping to celebrate their success. 4 Aug 2017 Read more

100-year Lyceum celebrates its staff
As the Lyceum 100-year celebrations continue, there is more to celebrate than the centennial milestone. The staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure that the college gets better and better every year are worth celebrating. 28 Jul 2017 Read more

Lyceum alumnus - An aspiring law enforcement specialist
A lot of people from all walks of life pursue different things. It is what makes them happy and gives them a sense of fulfillment. Raymond Ramohlale, a Lyceum alumnus, is constantly in pursuit of getting more knowledge, particularly in relation to the field he is most passionate about. 26 Jul 2017 Read more

Lyceum's standard demonstrated through its alumni
“The college itself is practicing on a high level. The communication, the correspondence and assistance was always of top notch,” said Vereesh Shewnarian, a former Lyceum student. 25 Jul 2017 Read more

Get a higher education qualification without going to university
If a career in education is what you have in mind, don't be deterred by other universities and educational institutions that have already filled up their lecture halls and registers. If you've missed the deadline or find yourself unable to be accommodated, you still have a unique opportunity available to you. 10 Feb 2016 Read more