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Medical South Africa

Weekly top stories
Ebola survivors' blood may hold possible treatment

A WHO expert meeting in September recommended convalescent blood therapies as one of the most promising strategies meriting urgent evaluation as treatment of Ebola disease.


TB or no TB - approval by MCC of new TB drug welcomed

Approximately 3,000 South African patients who suffer from multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) will now be able to receive SIRTURO (bedaquiline) in the next year, following approval by South Africa's Medicines Control Council (MCC).


IBM offers analytics platform for Ebola fight

WASHINGTON, US: IBM has announced it will offer its analytics platform and other technology for use in African countries affected by the Ebola outbreak.


Chronic Diseases
Help shed the stigma of psoriasis
The exact number of people with psoriasis is unknown, but it is estimated to affect up to about 3% of the world's population - approximately 1-2 million people in South Africa. All ages may be affected, but it most commonly begins in the teenage and early adult years, before the age of 40. read more>>
Relate bracelets Made in Movember on sale now
Besides growing a Mo to raise awareness and funds for men's health issues including prostate and testicular cancer, this Movember you can also show your support for the cause by purchasing a Relate bracelet. read more>>
Coke Light goes pink for breast cancer
In partnership with its national bottling partners and Makro, Coca-Cola South Africa has created specially designed six-pack cans of Coca-Cola Light, wrapped in pink packaging... read more>>
Samsung donates 3,000 smartphones to provide humanitarian support against Ebola
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. has announced that the company will donate 3,000 smartphones, worth about $1 million, to be used in a United Nations project for the three worst-hit African countries. read more>>
Refurbishment of TUT dental division leaves staff, students smiling
A massive overhaul of the TUT Dental Technology has resulted in what could now be considered the most advanced dental technology training laboratories on the African continent. It is one of only three institutions in South Africa offering the Dental Technology degree. read more>>
Ear, Nose & Throat
Hearing things in your head is a good thing
Oticon took the concept of hearing back to the drawing board and shifted its focus, after research showed that only one in four people who experience a hearing loss actually take the time to address their hearing loss. "That is the reason why many hearing aid devices land up in the drawer, not being used," says Tally Sherban, a Client Relations Executive at Oticon South Africa, a leading hearing aid manufacturer. read more>>
Infectious Diseases
IBM, Airtel, Echo Mobile join forces to stop Ebola in West Africa
Airtel, IBM Research Africa and Kenya's Echo Mobile have partnered to launch several initiatives in an aim to help curb the spread of Ebola in West Africa... read more>>
Public Health
There is such a thing as too much coffee
Too much caffeine can lead to caffeine-induced anaphylaxis or caffeine allergy toxicity, especially in sensitive individuals. With exam season fast approaching, this spells bad news for students across the country, as many will attempt to pull caffeine-fuelled all-nighters in an attempt to cram a year's worth of information into their heads. read more>>
Big data used as tool to track Ebola
WASHINGTON, USA: Nine days before Ebola was declared an epidemic, a group of researchers and computer scientists in Boston spotted the haemorrhagic fever starting to spread in Guinea. read more>>
Women's Health
Miss SA unveils giant wire exhibit for breast cancer awareness
Miss South Africa and fourth year medical student, Rolene Strauss has launched a breast cancer awareness campaign with the unveiling of a giant wire exhibit outside Stuttafords at Sandton City, where shoppers will be asked to support the cause by tying a pink ribbon to the work. read more>>
Global Awards 2014 shortlist: World's Best Healthcare & Wellness Advertising
NEW YORK, USA: The Global Awards competition has announced the 2014 shortlist. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Global Awards dedication to recognising the World's Best Healthcare & Wellness Advertising. read more>>
Woman stuck in chimney after online dating goes sour
LOS ANGELES, USA: US firefighters rescued a woman from a chimney after she got stuck while allegedly breaking into the home of a man she met online. read more>>
More International
Durban to host 2016 International HIV/Aids conference
Preparations are well underway for the 2016 International HIV/Aids Conference, that will be held in Durban. The city is hosting the conference for the second time. read more>>
Additional screening to prevent spread of Ebola to SA
South Africa has the necessary measures to prevent Ebola from entering the country and spreading from the West African countries where almost 5,500 people have contracted this disease according to Minister of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Jeff Radebe read more>>
Stellenbosch to analyse DNA from Nigerian church deaths
The DNA samples gathered from the 116 people who died in the collapse of the building in Nigeria over a month ago have arrived at a laboratory in Stellenbosch for analysis. read more>>
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Scientists have a ways to go in their understanding of celiac disease http://t.co/4KLyCO07Zu - Tue Oct 28
Safety trials of #Ebola experimental vaccine in #Lausanne, #Switzerland, will begin this week, w/ first results expected in Dec 2014 - Tue Oct 28
Watch John Oliver's brilliant takedown of the sugar industry http://t.co/TO4ZTBVQMu - Tue Oct 28
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