Google teams up with European media to boost online journalism

PARIS, FRANCE: Google will on 29 April launch a 150 million euro programme to support innovative online journalism in partnership with eight European publications.
Google teams up with European media to boost online journalism

In a statement, the internet giant said the Digital News Initiative would "support quality journalism (through) technology and innovation."

The initiative brings together Les Echos in France, Germany's FAZ, the Financial Times, The Guardian, NRC Media in The Netherlands, El Pais in Spain, La Stampa in Italy and Die Zeit in Germany, as well as European media organisations.

The partners will focus on product development, supporting innovation as well as training and research.

They will also set up a working group to "increase revenue, traffic and audience engagement", said the statement.

Google will inject $160 million into the project to promote new ideas in digital journalism.

Source: AFP

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