dominates Cape Town's highways

This project was just another great way of getting high impact exposure around Cape Town without blowing the budget. dominates Cape Town's highways

As a media owner we get many requests from brands wanting the biggest and the best sites in Cape Town to ensure great impact.

But... what if there is nothing available? What is the best way to ensure prime exposure and impact? How do you get this and ensure it still meets the client's budget restrictions?

The solution is a fairly simple one... buy in bulk and save!

We had the opportunity to work with CARS.CO.ZA on such a campaign. The artwork supplied was simple, bold and incredibly impactful!

Instead of booking one spectacular site we put forward a package of sites across WC. Covering regions from Cape Town CBD, along the N1, N2, even a great site on Marine Drive.

The combination of these billboards gave the client a monthly exposure rate of over 4.2 million commuters across the peninsula! - The low cost/high impact ensured that received MAXIMUM exposure for a very minimal financial outlay.

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