Golfers raise funds for Avril Elizabeth Home

Various celebrities participated in a golf day to raise funds for Avril Elizabeth Home for the Mentally Handicapped. The golf day was held at Reading Country Club in Alberton south of Johannesburg on 19 September and the organisation's first golf day in over ten years.
Golfers raise funds for Avril Elizabeth Home

Celebrities such as Darren Kelfkens, best known for his role as Jo Smith in the soap opera Egoli, Heinrich du Preez, businessman and amateur golfer, and holder of 28 golf-related world records, including 15 Guinness World Records, and Pieter Rischmuller better known as Piet Pompies from the band DJ Ossewa, were among the 48 golfers who supported the Home.

"We could not have asked for a better bunch of golfers to kick-start our golf day," said Kathy Jooste, CEO of Avril Elizabeth Home. "They were enthusiastic and really made it a day to remember. This will be the first of many golf days as it will become an annual event on our calendar. Every cent that was raised through this event goes toward a worthwhile cause.

High-quality care

"Our oldest resident is 79 years old and our youngest five. Throughout their stay, residents receive 24-hour high-quality care, monitoring, special education and stimulation and occupational, physical and psychological therapy. Our aim is to enable our residents to reach their full potential, whatever that may be. Each person is a unique individual and deserves the very best," Jooste said.

Avril Elizabeth Home has been in operation since 1970 and cares for people on a long-term as well as a short-term basis. It currently houses 158 permanent residents and provides day care to 20. "We have some residents who have been with us for almost as long as we have been in existence. For most of the residents, young and old, this is their home forever," she concludes.

To find out more about Avril Elizabeth Home or how to donate, go to

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