No sex please - we're Metro FM

Well, perhaps not necessarily no sex talk at all, but there was one sex talk that got Metro FM all hot and bothered... The station this week banished drive time presenter T-BO Touch and his team to the naughty corner, after their interview with sex educator Jade Zwane left management squirming.
No sex please - we're Metro FM

Zwane, the author of the erotic novel aDICKted, began talking about the importance of masturbation - and the need for parents to talk to their children about sex from as early as 10 years of age.

The Times understands that The Touchdown team of T-BO Touch, real name Thabo Molefe, Refiloe Mpakanyane and sports reader Joe Mann received SMSs from station programming manager Caren Olsen to cut the interview short, as it was getting too steamy for her liking.

Zwane on Wednesday denied the chat was prurient.

"I explained [to listeners] how my talk with my parents from puberty encouraged me to wait. I didn't feel like I needed to rush into it because I had read books about it, and my mom took me to a gynie before my first sexual experience, which was at 23 years."

Zwane said that, because many people in the country were still very conservative, it was difficult to talk about sex.

"It's going to take a lot of patience on my side to get people to talk about it. We shouldn't be ashamed of it. We come from it."

Metro FM spokesman HappyNgidi said The Touchdown trio would be off work while "internal processes" were ongoing. She denied they had been suspended.

"They are not suspended, but are just not scheduled, because of the unfortunate interview that was of an explicit nature. It goes against the broadcast policy and our mandate as a station," she said.

DJ Sbu will host the show until the station management's investigation into the alleged misconduct is concluded.

Source: The Times, via I-Net Bridge

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