Comrades to be a glowing success

Comrades promises to glow as Starfish Greathearts participate in the world's premier running event.
Comrades to be a glowing success

The Starfish Greathearts Foundation is hoping to light up the start of this year's Comrades Marathon as thousands of runners glow in the dark.

Starfish will be distributing an orange glow bangle to each of the 12,000 runners to wear for the start of the race. Before dawn breaks, Comrades will glow like a sea of orange starfish as they begin their gruelling 89km race, creating a spectacular view for everyone watching.

The glow bangles will be included in the runners' registration pack. Alana Louw, Starfish Greathearts campaign manager, urges runners not to forget to wear the bangle for the start of the race. “By simply wearing the glow bangle the runners will make a visible difference to orphaned and vulnerable children and show the world that South Africa cares about their future.”

June 15th will mark the 83rd anniversary of the Comrades Marathon, and scattered amongst them will be Starfish Greathearts, runners who are using their love of sport to raise funds for Starfish and the children they support.

Every year, Starfish encourages individuals participating in the Comrades to do it for more than their personal best, challenging them to get their family, friends and colleagues to sponsor their run.

In 2007 alone 70 Comrades Greathearts raised an incredible R350,000. This year, Starfish is aiming even higher and needs everyone's support. It's not too late to sign up as a Greatheart. All you have to do is email to register and get started!

“The numbers of children affected or orphaned by the HIV/AIDS pandemic is growing rapidly in South Africa. Starfish works at a community level to give these vulnerable children life, hope and opportunity. For the 34,000 children we support, we hope to brighten their future,” says Starfish CEO Ashley du Plooy.

Starfish aims to help 100,000 children by 2010 and can only do this with the help of the people of South Africa. So come on Comrades runners, make a difference, wear your glow bangle and show the world you care!

For more information on how you can get involved, please visit our website at or email .

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