Tightly targeted drive promotes new store in Alex

The Ellerines Group contracted South Africa's leading direct distribution company, Primedia @ Home, to create localised awareness of the Ellerines store, recently opened in Alexandra.
Tightly targeted drive promotes new store in Alex

Utilising the leaflet distribution platform - as well as Primedia @ Home's branded vehicles - the campaign aims to create awareness and drive consumer traffic to the new store.

"Primedia @ Home has enjoyed a successful, ongoing relationship with the Ellerines Group," comments Melvin Chagonda, MD of Primedia @ Home. "We distribute high volumes of leaflets for the brand on a monthly basis, generating significant brand impact in localised areas and influencing consumer purchasing behaviour."

Targeting the LSM 1-4 market, the Ellerines Alexandra launch campaign ran for a limited period during the week of the store's opening. Leaflets were delivered direct to homes using trucks branded with information pertaining to the opening sale and directing customers to the store's location.

"By adding the client's promotional advertising to the outside of the trucks delivering the detailed leaflets, we further enhance product visibility and campaign awareness in the targeted area."

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