MISA Press Freedom Award

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) is inviting nominations for the 2004 MISA Press Freedom Award, which honours excellence in journalism and contributions to press freedom.

The award recognises an individual or media organisation that has upheld journalism ethics while pursuing the truth behind the bare facts, says MISA. It also recognises a journalist or media organisation that has made significant efforts to promote press freedom in the region through their work or advocacy.
The award is open to journalists working in print, broadcasting, photography and on the Internet, and to media associations and organisations based in the Southern Africa region. Nominations should be accompanied by a written essay, a CV from the nominee and samples of the nominee's work. The award carries a cash prize of US$1000.
The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2004.
Nominations should be sent to the MISA Secretariat; Private Bag 13386, Windhoek, Namibia; Fax: +264 61 248016; web: www.misa.org .

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