Initiative Media wins Adcock Ingram OTC

Adcock Ingram has appointed Initiative Media as its agency for its over-the-counter (OTC) brands, effective October 2011.
Initiative Media wins Adcock Ingram OTC

Said Jonathan Louw , Adcock Ingram CEO, "We made the decision to appoint the agency based on the energy, enthusiasm and commitment to service our specific business needs displayed by the management team. We are passionate about achieving our business objectives and it is really pleasing to work with a team that shares that passion and energy."

"This is a superb win for us and an honour to work on such brands as Panado, Citro Soda and Bioplus, all household names. The chemistry, passion and energy was there right from the start - people want to do business with people they like," added Marc Taback, Initiative Media South Africa CEO

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