SA navy pooh-poohs submarine 'fender-bender'

The Ports and Ships website reports that the 17 July accident to the SA Navy submarine SAS Queen Modjadji, when the sub hit the seabed during a training exercise, has been passed off by the navy as the equivalent of a 'fender-bender' collision between cars.

The Freedom Front's Pieter Groenewald voiced his surprise at this assessment of an incident that, he said, could have had tragic results. He asked the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, to comment on the issue, according to Port and Ships.

The minister responded that a board of enquiry had been appointed and would be looking into the affair.

According to Ports and Ships, Groenewald said a disciplinary action should being taken. "The reply of the Minister confirms my allegations that there had been negligence and poor training," he said.

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