Nollywood comes to YouTube

In a major boost for the African film industry, YouTube has created a Nollywood-specific channel on YouTube. The channel boasts over 400 Nollywood movies that can now be downloaded and viewed for free from anywhere in the world.
Nollywood comes to YouTube

Nollywood is the casual term for the Nigerian film industry which, during the 1990s and 2000s, "grew to become the second largest film industry in the world in terms of number of annual film productions, placing it ahead of the United States and behind the Indian film industry," according to Wikipedia.

The Nollywoodlove channel is the result of a creative partnership between YouTube and a company called Iroko Partners, a team of 25 based in Lagos and London who are passionate about financially supporting African culture. According to its site, "Iroko provides distribution, rights management and marketing services to Africa's many regional movie industries," and is seeking to add a layer of legitimacy to the growing West African film industry.

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About Jeremy Daniel

Jeremy Daniel is the editor of, and a firm believer in the transformative power of mobile technology for emerging markets. Jeremy has written across various media platforms for the last 10 years, from television to advertising to print before making the permanent cultural leap into online journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @jeremytdaniel.
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