Here's how you can help us, FNB - communicate

NEWSWATCH: Thanks to social media, big corporates are under close consumer attention at the moment, with banks the foremost of those, expected to build trust. Now, with an undisclosed amount of FNB safety deposit boxes stolen this past weekend, customers are upset at the lack of communication...
Here's how you can help us, FNB - communicate

EWN reports many FNB customers are upset with the way the bank has managed – or make that ‘mismanaged’ – communication regarding the heist.

One is quoted as stating “…this apparently happened between Saturday night and Sunday morning and we were only notified this (Wednesday) morning,” while another only found out her safety deposit box had been stolen when she called the bank to make an appointment.

FNB’s Twitter persona Rbjacobs has been responding to queries directed at him, but there’s no official notice on any of the bank’s social media platforms.

Banking on customer communication? Doesn’t seem like it…

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